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Land & Home Clearings and Blessings

Please message me directly to coordinate a time to support healing your home & land!

2 hr
255 US dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

House and Land Clearings– All things have a spirit. The walls of our homes and the land on which we stand are witness to our pain and suffering, positive and negative thoughts, our wars, deaths and births. When the events involve much chaos and negativity, unwanted heavy energies collect over time and become unable or unwilling to leave. When this happens, a clearing is needed to bring peace to the dwelling and the land. House and Land Blessings– The spirit of a home, building or land can become depleted or lost, leading to a feeling of emptiness. A blessing is performed to awaken the vibrant spirit of the home or a piece of land and to create a sacred space that is inviting to the energy of creator.

Cancellation Policy

Your appointments and well-being are very important to me. I understand that unexpected delays can occur, making the need for flexible schedule adjustments. I will always attempt to honor and accommodate reasonable requests for schedule changes. If you need to cancel your appointment, I respectfully request a minimum of 24 hours notice or as soon as is reasonably possible. Package Sessions not canceled or rescheduled prior to 24 hours from originally scheduled time/date are considered used and may be deducted from remaining package session time.

Contact Details

+ 360-721-8847

Based in Vancouver, Washington Vancouver, WA, USA

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